Saturday, December 1, 2012

Miss Ella is 11 Months old

Wow how time flies when you a parent of two....  Miss Ella is now 11 months old and to say she is on the move would be putting it mildly!  She is crawling, climbing, and walking with her little walker all over the place.  She actually really does not crawl all that much, she prefers to use her walker to go anywhere as you can see below.  I would say Parker is still her favorite person and I run a close second to him.  She has a personality like no other....well accept maybe her mama.  Most of all she is usually happy to hang and watch and try to do what ever Parker is doing.  The next month will bring alot of first that we are all looking forward too...First Christmas...First Birthday...December is gong to be very busy for the Burnett's that is for sure!

 What mom?
 This is one of my favorite faces that she makes right now

 and she is off

This is why I taped the sign to the walker....its just easier

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