Monday, December 31, 2012

Miss Ella is One

After a very long Sunday we actually celebrated Ella's Birthday together as a family recouping.   I cannot believe a year went by so quickly.  Sometimes when I look at Ella and Parker I am amazed how much they have changed in just a short few weeks....
Ella is growing so fast and reaching so many milestones it is sometimes hard for me to keep up with her.  At her one year doctors appointment she weighed 24.8 LBS which is the 95% for weight and she is 29.5 inches tall so she is in the 61% for Height.  I am hoping the poor girl puts on a few more inches in the next couple of months...hahah  She is also very close to close in fact I am sure by my next post she will be walking everywhere.  She really only says mama and Dada at this point but we don't think it will be long before she gives us an opinion of how she feels.  She is starting to voice her opinion when she does not get her way...which is really funny and on the opposite side she squeals in delight when she does get her way.  I am thinking she is going to have one heck of a personality :)
Ella still idolized Parker and really tries to do everything he does.  

Parker thought it was fabulous that it snowed on Ella's Birthday!!

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