Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day after Christmas at Aunt Denise's House

So day number 3 of Christmas events was at Aunt Denise and Uncle Franks house as usual.  I was a little concerned about how it was all going to go, because Thanksgiving had been a little chaotic.  I was also a little concerned about how the kids were going to handle day number 3 of complete madness.  We all had a really good time, and for the most part my kids were pretty well behaved!!!   We found out that Aunt Denise's house is like a big play house if you go into the basement and all of the kids really had a great time playing down there!!!!

 Ella loves to swing and had a great time 
 Ella and Wyatt playing together

 Oh Boy the fun
 Parker could not be a happier boy then when he is with this best buddy
 I am going to frame this picture!!!

 Ella and Brady even got in on the ball pit action

So my Aunt Kathy is normally the photographer for these big family events but she was on her way to Peru this year, so below is my futile attempt to get an OK picture of the next generation....Aunt Kathy we did try...there are just so many of them hahaha

Hey on a positive note here is a great family picture of us.....Thanks Aunt Denise we had a great time 

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