Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

So we started something new this year....we had Darrin's family to our house for Christmas Eve!  It was a lot of work up front, but I think it turned out really nice and it was really nice to have the kids at home and we were able to put Ella to bed at 8pm which I think really helped with her mood for the next few days festivities!  I have always enjoyed entertaining our house is just a little small, but we all squeezed in and the kids were all able to play with toys and the adults even got in a game of cards.  As usual the kids were completely spoiled by Darrin's family!!!

These first pics were done right after nap time, and Parker new that everyone was coming over to say they were excited is putting it mildly!!  Of course Ella had no idea why she was excited but you call tell in her expressions that she is feeding off of Parker!

 This is my new favorite picture of them can just feel how much they love each other 

 To our surprise she loved opening the presents!!!  
  If you look closely at in Parker's hand is his beloved Ginger Bread man, no idea where the thing came from but he goes everywhere with us.  This face is after I mearly asked Parker to put Ginger up so we did not loose him in all the commotion....guess who won that battle
 How cute are these girls

 Ella trying to get into Tyler's presents as well as her own

 So this Pillow that Ella is holding is the best gift she got for Christmas.  Her Aunt Dereth made it for her out of her Grandma Burnett's shirts...Parker got one as well, and even though they don't understand the meaning or thought that went into the gifts they will one day, and I hope they will always treasure them.  We say all the time how much our little girl reminds us of Leona....

 Spencer was not having a great night but I was able to sneak a couple pictures of him without him knowing I was doing it!
 Daddy and the little princess
 Aunt Dereth got Parker the "mommy gingerbread man" those are Parker's words...Thanks Aunt Dereth now I have two different things to keep track of everywhere

 Parker's pillow....

 This is where we always find Uncle Thomas....on the floor with the kids

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