Sunday, November 25, 2012

Decorating for Christmas

Well this year proved to be a little more challenging when it came to decorating the Christmas tree.  This is the first year that Parker has shown any signs of being interesting in the decorations or the tree for that matter.  We also had the very mobile princess interested in all the boxes.  I have to say having Parker interested in what was going on and wanting to help made it a lot of fun... but I also think it took twice as long!  I am not sure at what point it happened but he convinced me he needed is own tree for his it looks like we will be at least a family of 2 trees....who wants to bet that there will be 3 next year when Miss Ella gets in on the action!!!
 Yes he wanted to put all of these ornaments in one spot...why would I have an issue with that?  
 He was very proud of the tree he decorated all by himself...see all the ornaments in one place

 Putting the Micky star on Mommy's tree
 Hanging the key for Santa to get in the door
 Ella just trying to figure out what was going on

 She just kept going up to the tree to see how it was very funny

Parker and his tree

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