Saturday, September 15, 2012

Science Center in St. Louis

Over Labor Day weekend we decided to go to the Science Center in St. Louis.  We met Dereth and her family there so Parker was thrilled that he got to hang out with his buddy Tyler!  We had a good time watching the kids explore the Science Center.  I had not been their since I was a kid, I think it has changed a lot

 Parker was digging for fossils this was not easy to get him away from!!!

 Ella even got in on the action and was able to play on the floor mat with books....
 Sammie was helping out a lot with Parker
 Trying to build the arch out of blocks....Thank goodness that Thomas is so tall or it would never have happened, since the rest of us seem to be vertically challenged!!!

 Love this picture...he was very impressed by everyone block building expertise

The Did it!!!  We had a great visit

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