Saturday, September 15, 2012

Our little pork chop is 8 months old

Well another month has flown by and Miss thing is now 8 months old.  She is all over the place.  She is not crawling but rolling and scooting all over the place.  She is a very busy baby and not at all like her brother.  Parker is starting to realize that baby Ellie is not as fun when she can get into his things....
She is also babbling like crazy and makes sure that we never forget that she is in the room also!!!  She is so in love with Parker that its just fun to watch her at this point try to get his attention and talk to him.

We have started to let her try table food and I have to tell you she is no impressed!  I gave her mashed potato's the other day and you would have thought I put acid on her tongue!!!
Ella is still not sleeping well at all and none of us can figure out why...she just does not seem to need sleep...but mamma does!!  I really blame her father since he does not sleep more then 5 hours a night!!

Parker has had a big month as well.  We decided one weekend to try just putting big boy underwear on him and he took to potty training in no time at all.  He is doing so well.  We do still put a diaper on him for night time but most morning he seems to wake up dry, so once we run out of his diapers we will probably just see how he does with no diaper!!!  We have been so proud of him.  The other big change for him is his move to the three year old room at school.  This move seemed to be harder for me then him... if you ask him what his favorite thing is about his new room he would tell you the fish!!!

SO her are Parker's saying this month:

"you are not being very nice to me"....meaning we have told him to do something he does not want to do
"um no thanks"....he does not want to do what we need him to do...usually eat
"Stop yelling at me" yelling usually involved he just does not like what we are saying
Don't tell me no.....

As you can see by these saying Parker is defiantly testing the waters when it comes to defying us...but over all he is still my sweet boy

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