Saturday, September 15, 2012

Grants Farm

Last weekend we made an impromptu trip with the Cour's and the Pirrera's to Grants farm.  It was a lot of fun and the kids had a great time.  Below are all the pictures from our trip
 Feeding the goats...Parker was not a huge fan as you can see by the pictures

 The Stair DOWN!!!

 He decided feeding them was not so bad

 He thought there were crocodiles in this in closer, just turtle but we let him have his dream!!!

 Parker spent a lot of time being drug around by Ethan

 Chase trying to get the geese
 Brady was ready for a nap

 The Pirrera's

 Ella ready for a nap

 Yeah snow cones before we left was a really good idea!!!

 I need your Binky!!!!

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