Saturday, October 13, 2012

Parkers Birthday Day #2

So we took everyone to Chuck e Cheese on Saturday for the Kids part of the Party, yes we are crazy, but I think both the kids and adults had a lot of fun!!!
 Ella was partied out before we got there

 Papa and Ella

 Mr Brady...he is getting so big

 Ella and Brady

 They were all climbing

 Yes the adults seemed to play as well
 Chase even got in on the action
 Parker and Elise

 He was not very found of the large mouse, but he loved his crown

 Ella liked the mouse

 He was not sure about this ticket blaster thing...Thank God Tyler did it with him

 Aunt Dereth and Ella

 Jack Riding the horse

As you can see from the pictures Parker had a great time...although Parker always seems to have fun.  I cannot believe he is three years old!!!

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