Saturday, October 13, 2012

Miss Ella is 9 months old

Well another month has passed and out little princess is changing a lot.  She finally has gotten her first tooth.  At her nine month checkup she was 22lbs and 27 3/4 inches long!!  Ella is still not crawling but seems to still be able to get around.  She is scooting or rolling to get where she needs to get to.  Her hero at this point seems to be Parker...I don't think that will change for a while.  We have also started her on some table foods and just try to puree anything we eat for her...she is adjusting to this OK....but still seems to gag a lot if it is not something she really likes.  She has really started to vocalize likes and dislike....she seems to growl a lot which is very funny to us, and she squeals at Parker all the time.  Ella has discovered her squishy baby doll and that seems to be her favorite thing at this stage.  She holds on to that doll every night for bed time, and is usually grasping it in the morning when she gets up!  
We are still struggling on the sleep front, but at least now we are having some good night in between the bad nights...that is the only thing that is saving mommies sanity

We looked back through the blog and if you look at Parker's 7month pictures these too look like twins!!!  They call her little Parker at daycare!!

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