Sunday, August 5, 2012

Weekend in St. Louis

There are so many birthdays in July on the Burnett side that we decided to get together in St. Louis for a change and celebrate.  We had so much fun, and so did the kids of course.  We have spent alot of time this summer together and it has been  fun.  Aunt Linda, Aunt Lou, Uncle Larry and Grandpa all came to St.  Louis.  The old Fogies even went down some water slides and loved the lazy river.  I think this may be a new tradition, and for once Dereth and Thomas got to stay at home.

On Sunday we went to Dereth and Thomas and had brunch and let the kids play for awhile.  Parker has really taken a liking to Tyler, and now calls him his best friend, its really cute!  I think Tyler is enjoying having someone look up to him!!!  After we left there house we took the kids to the City Museum.  It was alot of fun, but we only made it though 3 floors.  We are looking forward to maybe going back there this winter! 

 Sammie made the head band you see in these pictures.  We are coming to find out that she is very talented!!  Thanks Sammie Ella loves them!!

 Parker Getting his face painted, he kept saying it was really cute and he sat completely still...go figure

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