Sunday, August 5, 2012

Miss Ella is 6 months old

Little Ella is 6 months old.  She is developing a great personality.  At her six month appointment she was 18 lbs (88%), 25 and 3/4 inches long (43%).  Currently we are working on sitting up, and she is getting there especially if we put a pillow behind her.  We are also working our way though all the different kinds of baby food...she is not a big fan of anything green but is doing OK with all the over veggies and fruits.  We are currently struggling with getting her to sleep for naps or through the night, and I am a bit at a loss as to what to do.  She just seems to be interested in anything more then sleep.  She loves her big brother, and Darrin and I are loving watching her change and develop a relationship with Parker

Our other little cutey pie is also changing alot.  He is full of stories and he now really into imagination play.  He is a real daddy's boy right now.  He has spent most of the summer in the swimming pool or "helping " daddy in the garden.  He wears me out every day but I am having so much fun talking with him and watching him learn about the world around him. We recently started him in soccer class at school and is loving it. I also have to brag about how good he is with Ella.  He is always getting her toys and if see is fussing he is always trying to make her feel better.   Some of his favorite saying are below with interpretation next to it!!
"I be right back'----he is going to do something he should not
"Titty up daddy"---Giddy up daddy--daddy playing the horse
"she wanted to give it too me"---took something (usually a Binky) from Ella
"Efan is my brother"--Ethan is my brother
"mommy have patience with me"---i am telling him to hurry up about something

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