Saturday, April 27, 2013

Indianapolis Zoo

We packed up the kids and went to see Crissy, Brian, and the Kids last weekend and had so much fun (as we always do).  It was very interesting to observe the kids change and how they play with each other every time we get together.  This time we decided to go to the zoo, my kids love animals and it was nice enough outside that they did not need heavy coats.  Parker really took to Carson on this trip and probably drove him a little crazy, but Carson was very patient and really helped us out!!!

Brooke and Ella spent some time together, Brooke is a little mother and Ella loved all the attention.  It does seem as the kids are getting older us adults are having more time to visit and chat...instead of just running like crazy...which is so nice as well.  Even though we do not get to see them as much as we like it seems that we always just pick up where we left off!!!

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