Sunday, November 11, 2012

Weekend away with Great Friends

In the middle of November we decided to go for a weekend away with my best friends family.  It was so nice to just get together and visit.  The kids had a great time, we spent a lot of time in the park and in the pool....we are looking forward to a get together in the spring.

 I love to swing!

 I can do anything Brooke can do

 Is my Goddaughter beautiful or what?
 Parker attached himself to Aunt Cwissy very quickly

 This was Parker's first time swimming since we got ride of the diapers...his trunks were a little big

 Parker trying to do what Carson had just done

 Not choking his sister
 Sort of not choking her
 Totally choking her!!

 Her poutty face...IE get what ever I want face

How amazing...Crissy and I have been friends for like 17 years now and it has been an amazing 17 years....I love her children like they were my own and I am so looking forward to the next 17 years.

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