Saturday, October 13, 2012

Parker's 3rd Birthday

I cannot believe that our little boy is 3 now!  It just seems like yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital.  He is so funny and light up our day.  Parker favorite two people in the world right now are his two cousins Ethan and Tyler.  He loves to play games and is really starting to use his imagination.  Both Darrin and I took the day off of work for his birthday so he did not have to go to school.  The birthday festivities started very early.....he was very excited as you can see below in the pictures

After a whole day of playing at home we went with the family out for pizza and fun at Sam's.  But since Parker does not eat pizza he had McDonald's before we got the pizza place...sad I know.  Yes it was a Toy Story themed event....would there be anything else

As you can see from the pictures he had an amazing time....and so did we

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