Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers day Weekend

My Long time friend Melissa came to visit for a night, this was the first time she has seen Parker! It was great to spend time with an old friend, but time just went by too quickly!!

We spent Saturday night in Jacksonville. Darrin's sister and brother in law and their kids came in town, and we celebrated Sammie's birthday, and Mother's Day together

Grandma Burnett and Parker

Sammie and Parker...I love this picture

Aunt Dereth and Parker

We then spent Mother's Day Sunday with my parents, and my Grandma and Aunt Kathy

Parker missed most of the Brunch and Panther Creek

Parker Playing with Elmo

How cute am I

Poor Elmo

Our little Family!

Grandma, Parker, and Me

Grandma and Grandpa Cour and Parker

Parker and Great Grandma Cour

Parker and Great Grandma reading...OK Parker really just wants to eat the book but don't tell great grandma

Aunt Kathy and Parker

Smiling at daddy

Grandpa and fun

He is definitely Grandpa's boy

He was such a good boy all weekend, but he lost the fight, early Sunday night...he was not the only one that was exhausted

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