Friday, June 28, 2013

Water slide fun at Papa Burnett's

Papa Burnett was able to get the kids a water slide this summer that they all had a great time with!  It sometimes feels with our busy lives that we don't get to see our cousins in St. Louis very often but when we do its like no time has passed at all....

Thursday, June 27, 2013

One of Parker's idols...Tyler spent the night

I am pretty sure that Parker thought his world was exploding when we told him that his cousin Tyler was going to spend the night.  Parker just idolizes Tyler, and in reality drives him a little crazy, but Tyler is such a good sport and played with Parker and put up with his constant questions and questions and more questions...I am pretty sure Tyler's ears were bleeding before he went home.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Children's Museum

We took the kids to the children's museum in Springfield today.  This is a really nice attraction in springfield and it was free.  It was absolutely perfect for both kids and they had a great time

Monday, June 24, 2013

A trip to Chicago

We took a day trip to Chicago today and we got to take Ethan with us.  The plan was to do the Shed Aquarium in the morning and then Lego Land in the late afternoon.  Ok this was very optimistic on my end.  I have to say I was excited and nervous to take and extra child with us, but it turned out that the kids were great... it was a long day but so fun.  I have to say next time we decided to do this we will not tell the boys ahead of time where they were going second!  I think they asked us a 100 times when we were going to Lego Land...I am pretty sure they were thinking in their heads that once I have seen 1 fish I have seen them all...lets get on to Lego Land.  If there are any of you out there wondering how far it is from Shed Aquarium to Lego Land, its about 1 hour and apparently in Chicago rush hour starts at 3:30 on Monday's!!!