Sunday, November 25, 2012

Decorating for Christmas

Well this year proved to be a little more challenging when it came to decorating the Christmas tree.  This is the first year that Parker has shown any signs of being interesting in the decorations or the tree for that matter.  We also had the very mobile princess interested in all the boxes.  I have to say having Parker interested in what was going on and wanting to help made it a lot of fun... but I also think it took twice as long!  I am not sure at what point it happened but he convinced me he needed is own tree for his it looks like we will be at least a family of 2 trees....who wants to bet that there will be 3 next year when Miss Ella gets in on the action!!!
 Yes he wanted to put all of these ornaments in one spot...why would I have an issue with that?  
 He was very proud of the tree he decorated all by himself...see all the ornaments in one place

 Putting the Micky star on Mommy's tree
 Hanging the key for Santa to get in the door
 Ella just trying to figure out what was going on

 She just kept going up to the tree to see how it was very funny

Parker and his tree

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Picking out a Christmas tree with Nana

For the last 3 years we have gone to Bomke Tree farm to pick our our Christmas tree.  This year we went when Santa Claus was going to be there and Nana came with us!

 Parker got such a kick out of these cut outs and loved the fact that Nana got right in there with him.  

 Nana helping Parker make and ornament for the tree

 Parker was attached to Nanny's side the whole time

 Miss Ella getting her first Christmas tree

Parker holding the stump of the tree we picked out.  It was a great day and the weather was perfect.  It was so much fun having Nanny along with us.  

Thursday, November 22, 2012


We did thanksgiving this year just at moms house.  I did not get any pictures at the actual event, because it was just too busy.  In the last year our extended family has really grown!   There were 7 children 4 and under at the event!  Needless to say I thought my mom was very brave to have all of us to her house to destroy it!  Below are the pictures that I took before we left for mom's house of just the kids.

I love this last picture, Ella really does idolize her brother and gets so excited to just be close to him, and he loves her so much and is so kind to her, to me this picture just says it all.  I hope they are always as close as they seem to be at this time in there life!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Festival of Trees

We made our annual trip to the festival of trees this year before Thanksgiving.  We were a little anxious to see if Parker was going to sit on Santa's lap without screaming or not...however when we left we did not realize that our little man was feeling under the weather!
 He did so good sitting on Santa's lap...and we told him he had to be brave for Ella and show her that there was nothing to be afraid of

 Ella was OK as long as Parker was there with her!

 That's the picture I was waiting for!!!  Gotta love it

 Fun on the Train
It was another great trip to the festival of trees.  Even with our little buddy not feeling is amazing to watch year after year how Parker is changing

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Out takes from Christmas Card 2012

It seems that every year I think doing the pictures for the Christmas card will just take 15 minutes....three different photo sessions later below are some of the out takes from this year.  Our little princess was not in the mood to have her picture taken in most of them!!!

And that is the reason the dogs are no longer in the photos...could you imagine