Thursday, February 9, 2012

January....and a new baby

Well we have survived our first 5 weeks with a newborn and a 2 year old.  I have to say some of it has been easy and so much fun and there have been other times that have really been a struggle.  The first two weeks after having Ella, I had a very hard time recovering and it was very different from my recovery with Parker so that was hard for both Darrin and I.  At one point this month someone asked Darrin how things were going and he said wife is the single parent of a newborn and he is the single parent of a 2 year old...we defiantly had  our challenges.  We discovered that Parker does not slow down just because Mommy is tired or recovering from surgery.  But over all he has been such a good boy that Darrin and I both feel so blessed because we also know that it could have been a lot harder.
Ella is doing so well, and she is such a good baby.  Her growth is very different for Parker's.  She is almost up to 8lbs and last time we measured she was 19.5 inches long.  She does seem to have the same cheeks that her brother (and mother) have!!  She makes some of the funniest faces (which you will see in the pictures that I post).  On a more serious note we have said since she was born that she seemed to have an old  sole! We are convinced that her spirit comes from her grandma Burnett, who she is so appropriately named after, and who would have loved her so much.  We know she is looking down from heaven and watching over all of us!
The pictures you see below are from the whole month of January.  Ella has gotten to meet a lot of family and close friends.  There are also alot of pictures of Parker and just melts my heart to see the love he has for her.

 The many faces of Ella

First Bath at nana's house!!


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