Sunday, September 11, 2011

Labor day weekend 2011

So we started out labor day weekend with a diagnosis of chicken pox for Parker. For those of you wondering he did have the vaccine! I guess it just prevents you from getting them really badly!! So the doctor Told us Parker would on be contagious for 48 hours so we only had to spend two days locked inside and we did get out a couple times over the weekend

We got him play dough to pass some time below are pictures of that

He really had a good time

Darrin's sister and part of her family came home for the long weekend and we took Parker over to see them and go to the park for awhile with the kids

Spencer loves to rub Darrin's bald head

Sammie entertaining Parker

Running loose at the water park/park

Wanting us to turn the water on...

He won.... How many of younger surprised?


Helping get Sammie wet also!

Sammie did not want me taking her picture!!

He is such a boy

Spencer was not feeling well so grandpa sat with him!

Spencer does not like us taking pictures of him but I was able to snap this picture without him knowing. Parker got into Spencers lap all by himself!

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