Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Parker Birthday week!!!

Well it has happened my baby has turned 1.  It is so hard to believe that it has been a year.  We celebrated Parker's birthday for most of the week, and really had a great time visiting with family and friends.  For those of you who could not join us, her are a few of my favorite pictures!!!
Parker opening presents from Aunt Crissy, and family

Parker opening presents from Darrin and I

these are pictures from his actual birthday

He was way more into the paper then the gifts

his nemesis the vacuum

Preparing for his party on Saturday

You will soon realize that Elmo was the theme

Parker and Elise

Jen and Parker

who's ready for cake

what the.....

this is pretty good!!

Ethan could not believe we told him it was OK to taste!!!

who wants to hold me???

poor Elmo

Aunt Dereth and Parker

Again more interested in the ribbon

Completely worn out!!!!

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