Thursday, August 19, 2010

Well parker is into the double digits ...10 MONTHS OLD

We tried to get him to look up for the picture but it was impossible
Sign is all crinkled up
This is me trying to outsmart a 10-month-old
Parker saying I got it!!!!
But I want to hold the sign
So this was our next idea, maybe he won't notice it in the background! 
Ya Right
Well we finally outsmarted him...OK well he had to be asleep but I am sure you all get the idea

It is very hard for me to believe that he is 10 months old, how time does fly.  Parker is changing and growing so much that I think sometimes he even surprises himself with the new things he is learning.  He is into everything, says Mama and Dada, can wave bye bye, and plays patty cake on demand!!!  Grandma Cour think he is a genius but she is a little biased

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