Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Fair

OK, well I am not a big fan of the fair, but the other night it was really nice out and we thought, well if we are going to go I guess tonight is the night!!
Mom, what is wrong with these people?

Those are funny looking dogs!!!

I want to ride that ride

Funnel Cake is way better than baby food

Although I consider the fair to be an outside version of Wal-Mart, I think we will be going many times over the next few years!  Parker loved watching all the people and lights!

Parker's new Sleeping Position

I guess this is not a new position but it is the first time I was able to get it on the camera

I know we all just wish we could sit like that!!!  It just looks so painful to me!  Maybe he is going to be a yoga baby

Past Intern's Come to Visit

Most of you know that in years past we have had high school seniors stay with us for a semester, and a couple of weeks ago 2 of them came back to visit.  We always have so much fun and this weekend was no different
Jess was our last intern, she got the unlucky fortune of living with us while I was pregnant...not so fun for her!

This is Deanna. She was one of our interns over 3 years ago! 

Poor Otis

I love this picture, this was always a tradition in our house when the interns were living with us, the dogs would sit on Saturday morning and whine at the gate until they got up!  Well this time Parker joined in the fun

She finally got up, now everyone can relax

We have been so blessed to have great girls that share there lives with us and take a interest in ours.  We so love when they come back to visit, I just wish they would do it more often!

Well parker is into the double digits ...10 MONTHS OLD

We tried to get him to look up for the picture but it was impossible
Sign is all crinkled up
This is me trying to outsmart a 10-month-old
Parker saying I got it!!!!
But I want to hold the sign
So this was our next idea, maybe he won't notice it in the background! 
Ya Right
Well we finally outsmarted him...OK well he had to be asleep but I am sure you all get the idea

It is very hard for me to believe that he is 10 months old, how time does fly.  Parker is changing and growing so much that I think sometimes he even surprises himself with the new things he is learning.  He is into everything, says Mama and Dada, can wave bye bye, and plays patty cake on demand!!!  Grandma Cour think he is a genius but she is a little biased

Parker and the Dog toys

Before any of you worry...he has plenty of toys in his age range...but he prefers the dog toys...

Poor Sophie she does not understand why his toys are just his toys but her toys are also his toys

I don't feel I should even comment on this picture!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Play Date with Elise and Raegan

On Saturday we were supposed to get together and swim, but it was too cloudy so we decided to take the kids to the park (South wind Park).  They had a great time
As you can see by Picture below Parker was trying to figure out how to climb of up the wall

Visit with Great Grandma

Parker and I went to see Grandma and Aunt Kathy last weekend, as usual Parker put on a show to entertain
They are both trying to out talk each other!

I like to entertain Great Grandma
Thanks Aunt Kathy for taking such great pictures!!!

Weekend In Indianpolis

A few weeks ago we went to visit Crissy Brian, and the kids, and had a great time!  It is so nice to get together and relax....ok well it was a little hectic with three kids, but over all the kids got a long well, and Parker and Brooke are sort of learning to share!!!

OH Brian you are in trouble!
Hello Camera
Should we be worried that he is playing with a purse
We are saving these pictures for a few years from now!!!!

We cannot believe how fast the kids are growing.....