Sunday, April 4, 2010


The Boys!!!! Are they not the cutest

Dont touch me Parker

I am done with this photo shoot

Ethan is happy. Parker is looking concerned

The first shot of Parker sitting all by himself!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look how cute I am

Don't you just want to eat those cheeks

I really can't breathe now guys.....

this is one for the girlfriends

Just the guys

Not a great family shot

He only gagged on the spoon twice

Are we ever going to eat????

Ethan was so patient

Grandpa and Grandma Cour with the babes!!!

Don't you just wonder what he is thinking?

Parker trying to eat the grass

Peek -A -Boo

Grandma Cour at home on the golf course

Look Ethan a bug


Ethan do you want to help a brother out?

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