Out of the blue the other day Parker asked me if the Binky Fairy could come and leave him a surprise if she took away his Binky's for the other babies... I of course jumped at the opportunity to get rid of this item!
He got to decorate a bag to put all the binky's in and then he sealed it up and put it out for the Binky Fairy...
This evening it took us 2 hours to get him to go to sleep, because he did not quite understand why he could not borrow Ella's Binky....
In the 3 weeks since we gave up the binky, here are some of his questions that he has asked me
"Why did I give up my binky's"
"Well I am very small like Ella and I need a Binky"
"I don't want to be a big boy"
"Well Nana gave me one"
"Ella said I could borrow hers"
Over all he has done very well with this transition and if I learned anything it is when Parker asked to do something it means he is ready...the only night we had any tears about the binky was the first night and although he still asks every once in while if he could have one he knows what the answer will be!!! We are very proud of our big boy!!!