Sunday, August 5, 2012

Little Miss is 7 months old

I would just like to say this summer is catching me off guard.  I feel like it was just memorial day weekend and now we are into August.  I feel like time is just flying by.  This last month has been very crazy for us.  We had something on the agenda every weekend so that just makes time fly by.  The princess is now 7 months old and cracking me up!  She is sitting on her own now, with only falling over every now and then.  She is on to stage 2 for foods, but is still not a huge fan of any of them.  I would say at this point her favorite is the oatmeal cereal, and least favorite is anything green.  She gags and makes a horrible face...completely different then Parker man. 
She is all smiles these days as long as she is sitting up and able to see every one!  Sleeping seems to be a bit of a challenge for us.  She wakes up alot and only take 30-40 minute naps most of the time.  Night time is no better!  Not sure what we are going to do with her...
She gave a the scare of a life time a couple weeks ago, when she vomited in her crib, and we think she aspirated some of it into her lungs.  We ended up calling an ambulance to take her to the hospital, because she was having breathing issues and turning grey.  This was a first for us, but in the end she was fine...I however lost several years of my life.
On a very fun note, Ella had her first modeling job last week.  There is a new children's store in Chatham called Hippo and Tails.  She modeled some of the clothing for the store and should be on the  website, flyer's, and her picture will be up in the store.  It was a lot of fun and she acted like a pro...the cloths are very cute as well!!

 Parker man has been a lot of fun this month.  Darrin and I took a day off of work and took him to Knights Action park.  He had the time of his life, after he got over his fear of the slides.  I forgot my camera but will take it the next time.  He is also very interested in the whole Birthday concept.  Because we have so many birthdays in July he seems to be getting the concept down.  He likes to sing happy Birthday to anyone who will listen, and blowing or (spitting ) the candles out is his favorite.  He has already started to ask us when his birthday is do you explain the concept of a couple months to a 2.5 year old??  He is also starting to use words that he hears us using in sentences.  Here are some of his new sayings
"I don't thinks so mommy"
"....Is his birthday cake wish mommy"
"baby ewlly"---baby ella
"its wrelly wrelly scary"---really really scary
" my favorite "

Weekend in St. Louis

There are so many birthdays in July on the Burnett side that we decided to get together in St. Louis for a change and celebrate.  We had so much fun, and so did the kids of course.  We have spent alot of time this summer together and it has been  fun.  Aunt Linda, Aunt Lou, Uncle Larry and Grandpa all came to St.  Louis.  The old Fogies even went down some water slides and loved the lazy river.  I think this may be a new tradition, and for once Dereth and Thomas got to stay at home.

On Sunday we went to Dereth and Thomas and had brunch and let the kids play for awhile.  Parker has really taken a liking to Tyler, and now calls him his best friend, its really cute!  I think Tyler is enjoying having someone look up to him!!!  After we left there house we took the kids to the City Museum.  It was alot of fun, but we only made it though 3 floors.  We are looking forward to maybe going back there this winter! 

 Sammie made the head band you see in these pictures.  We are coming to find out that she is very talented!!  Thanks Sammie Ella loves them!!

 Parker Getting his face painted, he kept saying it was really cute and he sat completely still...go figure

Miss Ella is 6 months old

Little Ella is 6 months old.  She is developing a great personality.  At her six month appointment she was 18 lbs (88%), 25 and 3/4 inches long (43%).  Currently we are working on sitting up, and she is getting there especially if we put a pillow behind her.  We are also working our way though all the different kinds of baby food...she is not a big fan of anything green but is doing OK with all the over veggies and fruits.  We are currently struggling with getting her to sleep for naps or through the night, and I am a bit at a loss as to what to do.  She just seems to be interested in anything more then sleep.  She loves her big brother, and Darrin and I are loving watching her change and develop a relationship with Parker

Our other little cutey pie is also changing alot.  He is full of stories and he now really into imagination play.  He is a real daddy's boy right now.  He has spent most of the summer in the swimming pool or "helping " daddy in the garden.  He wears me out every day but I am having so much fun talking with him and watching him learn about the world around him. We recently started him in soccer class at school and is loving it. I also have to brag about how good he is with Ella.  He is always getting her toys and if see is fussing he is always trying to make her feel better.   Some of his favorite saying are below with interpretation next to it!!
"I be right back'----he is going to do something he should not
"Titty up daddy"---Giddy up daddy--daddy playing the horse
"she wanted to give it too me"---took something (usually a Binky) from Ella
"Efan is my brother"--Ethan is my brother
"mommy have patience with me"---i am telling him to hurry up about something

Ella's First time with cereal

Ella got cereal for the first time at the end of June.  She was not a big fan at all.  Parker used to just lap the stuff up, but miss thing makes all sorts of faces and sticks her tongue out at us.  In the last couple of weeks she is getting better but still could care less about food.  Clearly not my child

Parker was even going to try it out...but then he decided against it 

 really this is the best you can do??
 I will not open my mouth....
I said no.....

Ella's Baptism

Ella was Baptised on June 10th 2012.  She wore my baptismal gown...all I can say is she was a trooper!  It was hot and she wore the how gown through the baptism.  She has 2 God Mothers Emily and Dereth!  We had a great celebration, and our little girl looked like a princess!