Saturday, June 23, 2012

Guess who's 5 Months old

Well our Princess is 5 months old, and time is flying by.  She is now able to hold objects and chew on them.  She is so engaged with her environment and loves to be out seeing new things.  She is also in love with Parker.  Anytime he is around she is always looking and following him.  I am sure it will be very soon that she is laughing out loud at him.  She is almost able to sit up on her own, and is rolling from tummy to back.  Her personality is really starting to show.  She is also starting to talk up a storm.  She is squealing and blowing raspberries.  She is defiantly my little love bug

Sleep Over Round 2

So the first sleep over was at Ethan's house, so we tried this one at our house and the boys had the time of there life.  Watching Parker and Ethan hang out is so fun, and the things they talk to eachother about is just funny.  Both boys were very good and eventually fell asleep

 Crayon wars in the bath tub

 Movie and Popcorn
Story took Parker about 20 minutes to go to sleep and we then heard Ethan on the monitor ..."wake up Parker wake up"  Parker did not move
Finally both are asleep...Parker is under the lamb
Up way too early...Parker is sitting in Ella's bumbo seat

Fun Sunday

Memorial Weekend

We had a great Memorial day weekend.  We had lots of activities but the biggest ones were Brady's 1st birthday (no pics of Brady though) and swimming at the Pirrera's

Aunt Kathy and Ella...notice the bib...Ella needs to make sure she stands out with all the boys around her

 Her first swimming suit...and swimming day she loved it

 Parker being an introvert and all had a great time
 Brady was worn out from his big first birthday bash but was awake for at least one picture in the pool

 So do you think i have enough floats on him so he does not drown

Water Day Saturday

The boys love getting togeather, and you add water in and they just have a great time!!

Mothers Day 2012

Mothers Day we went to Lake Point for lunch and it was so nice.  The kids were so good and it was just a nice visit, and no one had to cook!!

There was a fair later that day that we took both the kids to, and had a great time

 Dont you love the hat

The Garden

So Darrin has over taken the planting of the garden.  This year Parker got to "help" with the whole process.  Parker is all boy in these pictures.  He loves anything that is dirt and loves helping with his lovel (shovel ).

So if anyone needs tomatoes let me know I think they planted 6 plants!!