Saturday, February 12, 2011


   I know its been a long time since I updated the blog,.  Its not so easy now that Parker never stops moving!  Below I just posted an assortment of pictures of the last couple of months.
Our little family is doing great.  Parker is changing an growing every day.  He now reminds me of a little boy and not a baby.  Currently "No" is his favorite word and answer to everything you ask him.  He jabbers constantly, I just wish we understood what he was saying. 
    As you will see below climbing has become his new past time.  It was OK until he finally was able to climb onto the couch.  Since the dogs believe the couch is there has been  interesting for the past couple of weeks....I am sure they will figure it out!


Well Parker is at the age were he is climbing on and into everything.  See the pictures below

Its official we are in big trouble. 

Blizzard of 2011

So walking was out of the question in this get up


Playing Cards

We try and get together to play cards with Darrin's Family every month, here is Parker "helping play" cards

He is a very determined little boy!!

December ----Crazy!!!

Raegan 6months/Elise 4years/Parker 14months

Xmas Eve playing Wii

Parker "Helping"

He Loves Books!!

Starting to wear down

He was so excited over his new car that Aunt Dereth and Uncle Thomas gave him

All 4 Burnett Grandkids

Parker loved the ribbon on his Xmas presents from Aunt Emily and Uncle Ryan