Thursday, November 18, 2010

Parker and Otis Playing

This cracked me up, Parker Loves to play pull  with the dogs and their toys 

Halloween Weekend 2010

Yes I know it has been a long time since I posted new pictures, it seems like the amount of free time I have these days is less and less....I am sure most of you can relate.  October was filled with many events for us, including Parker's First Birthday, Ethan's Second Birthday, and Halloween.  I am hoping to stay ahead of the game in the next couple months, but I have a feeling that might just be a dream!!  We hope you are all doing well, and we are looking forward to seeing most of you over the holidays

Grandma Burnett gave me a sucker...i had a death grip on it!

see what I have

I look ridiculous

Why does everyone want this tastes like paper

Parker and Ethan "Helping"

SO Cute!!!

Don't Touch my Candy!!!

Halloween was a lot of work for Parker...he was exhausted!! 

Old Friends...New Babies

Parker and Alex

All three of us girls went to highschool together, now we all have babies that are within 6months of eachother

Alex and Brooke

This is the closest we could come to all three sitting still in one place...I am not sure that will get any easier!