Sunday, November 29, 2009

Parker smiling at his glow worm

He loves the baby glow worm that my mom got for him

He will talk to it forever if we let him! He was actually giggling in this picture though it may be hard to tell!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Festival of Trees

Parker's First Santa Picture

Waiting in Line for Santa

Parker Next to the Security Bank Tree

Security Bank tree...the theme was the Grinch...Yes, it might be after my father's Christmas Spirit

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Cleanup after Thanksgiving...not so much fun

I think they like him just a little

Mom never came out of the kitchen so we took Parker to her

Grandpa and little man

Grandpa asleep...Parker is still going

Uncle Ryan with Parker

Thanksgiving at the Cour's

Thanksgiving is hard work

Aunt Emily with parker

Cousin Shawn trying not to drop Parker

Aunt Kathy and Uncle Frank with Parker

Me and Ethan...

Great Grandma and her Youngest great grand child

Ethan walking

Where is my Turkey????

Too much food dad

The Fuchs Gang

Aunt Denise with Parker

Me and little man

Tired of all the pictures mom!!!

Thanksgiving at the Burnett's

This is the first time Uncle Thomas has met Parker!
Parker just thought he was really tall compared to his dad!!

Parker with Sammie, our newest babysitter!

The oldest grandchild, Spencer holding the youngest!!

All of the kids together....Grandma and Grandpa really are proud

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

It was a great weekend to get outside and get some fresh air!

Ok so Parker did not care about being outside but mom and dad loved it!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Parker is 1 Month old

It is hard to believe he is 1 month old! He is now weighing in at 11lbs 3 ounces and he is 22 inches long!